Where were we? Row by Row!

row 2016You may be asking where the heck have we been this summer? Well the answer is Row by Row. Everyone at the shop has been overwhelmed with the response to your row by row kit. June 21st Row by Row began and has been incredibly non stop since. I owe a HUGE thank you to Jenna for slaving away at stocking us up on kits that never seem to last and all our incredible customers for loving our row and having patience with us when we are out of stock.

roby row

Good News is we just restocked license plates, so if you were waiting, they are in, if you pre paid for one, check your mailbox soon.

In July we welcomed a Row by Row Winner, Kathy Hannin who did an incredible job on her row.

This summer has been intense and incredible. We never knew the potential of row by row and how many amazing people from all over the world would be coming to our little island shop.

It’s been busy, but we will try and keep up with the blog heading into September.

Thank you all for an incredible summer!

– Island Sewing



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